Leah Ferguson
It pains me to leave this review but I had to be authentic and speak from the heart chakra. This store is very overrated. Yes, it has Goddess items, etc. But it really lacks personal pizazzs. Ironically for a witches store. The products are very basic. Candles you can buy on online with much more vigor and power. The salts and oils when I feel them, they just seem rather dull. Like someone studied herbs and when to make oils and said yep , I did it. With no fire igniting within them to let the user accomplish what they may. With that being said as there is peace in the store, to a detailed eye there’s also arrogance and cockyness. Like I studied how to be witch, took the structured status quo learning this is how to be witch . Vs, what one feels the power flowing inside. A witch is not just someone who studies, nature, animals, crystals, but the motivation inside to help others when they have been failed by some other system or group. I cante help but find it a bit perverse that this is a store that sells crystals that you can get online for cheaper. It’s mission is not to help people but to make a quick buck. Not to mention the tarot readings are at outrageous prices. And I’ve had readings with the one who does astrology and walked away with more questions than answers. She over charges just because she can look at your natal charts but provides no info on what the planets mean to you. Or how it affects your personality. You can study astrology online for free. This woman refuses do dive in deep during a reading especially when it includes another person , as she does not violate others people privacy.we are here not to be busybody, but ask a higher force of why this person did what they did. Not what’s their intimate moments. Also the owner did not refund me an hour session I paid $100 because I called 5 min lates. I tried to call her but she would not respond. Really? I paid an hour, and just because I called 5 min late you don’t want to pick up the phone. Then not give me a refund. These people have stoled money from me.The people who run their stores if my gut serves me right. Will probably close their store soon as they have screwed other clients. Not to mention. Probably not paying their staff properly. That’s what happens when you don’t respect the craft. Witchcraft should not be for sale and used to make a quick buck. That’s no way to make an honest living. Their Karma is catching up with them. And any self respecting witch will back me up with this. I’ve met and talk to true witches and now what they stand for and their mission to help people.
* response: No, I’m not going to use my real info so you can catch a spell on me. I don’t consider you moral people. The response below was nothing but a PR stunt, these people know what they’re doing in terms of how to hide their shadiness.I never said you can get online reading for free nor critic all the readers. I was talking specifically about the one who does astrology. She clearly doesn’t know her tarot. Nor astrology because she never explained how ones planet is here, therefore that’s what your struggling in this area. She just plugs in your birthdate and that’s it . Nothing of substance nor high impact. As for prices, let the consumers decide that. You can call yourself whatever you want “ internationally know”, enlightened, messages from angels or higher self . It’s funny how we have these people saying this rhetoric but the world is such a disaster. All these spiritual gurus. It’s also funny they say trust your intuition but as soon as you call them out. They act like they don’t know what you’re talking about. As far as I’m concern these gods/goddesses have pretty much turned on you because you’re business is failing. I considered myself bless. I don’t walk into a store and say oh I blesses the store, pay me. What have you’ve done to the community? There’s no food drive or help the homeless, etc. You just promote other businesses. It’s so sad people have lost faith with themselves they go to these type of people who are really just in it for the money.